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Sources and reads milliamps Simulates 2-wire transmitters Powers and reads 2-wire transmitters
Perfection in featherweight
CLH-II can power (24VDC) and read 2-wire transmitters to perform field calibration.
Output currents are adjustable with a 10 microamp resolution in both source and transmitter simulation mode.
FIXED STEPS: The calibrator can source or simulate fixed calibration currents to test or calibrate receivers and to stroke valves. Different current levels are obtained from a menu.
4-20mA lin 4 - 8 - 12 - 16 - 20mA
0-20mA lin 0 - 5 - 10 - 15 - 20mA
4-20mA sq.rt (flow) 4 - 5 - 8 - 13 - 20mA
0-20mA sq.rt (flow) 0 - 1.25 - 5 - 11.25 - 20mA
4-20mA valve 3.8 - 4 - 4.2 - 12 - 19 - 20 - 21mA
Output currents can be changed manually or automatically.
Time between steps is 10 seconds in the auto-
stepping mode. In the valve series, auto-stepping will be:
3.8 - 4 - 4.2 or 19 - 20 - 21mA
RAMPING The calibrator can source or simulate with high resolution a continuous up/down cycling
between 4 and 20mA or 0 and 20mA. The travel time between limits is 60 seconds.
READING IN PERCENT The calibrator can display readings in percent of a 4-20mA or 0-20mA span.
Unit also reads or simulates dP-transmitters directly in percent of flow.
To Order (Specify Model No.) | ||
Model No. | Price | Description |
CLH-II | $550 | Smart Loop Calibrator for Milliamps |
CLHPS | 45 | 110V/60Hz power adaptor |